The problem of waste disposal in Germany has been solved by using a co
mbination of above-ground and underground disposal. Site selection cri
teria and precise criteria for the performance assessment of various t
ypes of waste disposal are available. In view of long-term safety of d
isposal, it is necessary to include geological and hydrogeological vie
wpoints in addition to purely engineering viewpoints. In particular, t
he geotechnical site-specific safety assessment is described, as defin
ed by the government in ''Technical Regulations on Wastes'' (TA-Abfall
) in the section ''Underground Disposal''. This safety assessment must
cover the entire system comprising waste, cavern/mine and surrounding
rock. For this purpose geo-mechanical models have to be developed. Ac
cording to the multi-barrier principle, the geological setting must be
able to contribute significantly to isolation of the waste over longe
r periods. The assessment of the integrity of the geological barrier c
an only be performed by making calculations with validated geomechanic
al models. Various engineering geological data are required for the se
lection of a site, for the design and construction of a repository, an
d for a safety analysis for the post-operational phase. These data can
only be attained by the execution of a comprehensive site-specific ge
omechanical exploration and investigation program. The planning and de
sign of an underground repository in rock salt layers are described, a
s an example for the various steps of this type of safety assessment.