We discuss the Z symmetry of finite temperature QED, which is related
to the confinement properties of the theory. We show that correlators
of Polyakov loop operators with incommensurate charges can be used as
order parameters for this symmetry. The screening or confining propert
ies of lower dimensional abelian gauge theories are analyzed. In the S
chwinger model, the Z-symmetry is broken and the system is in a screen
ing phase; with a non-vanishing fermion mass the symmetry is recovered
and the system confines. In parity invariant 2+1-dimensional QED, the
re is a phase transition between phases with unbroken and broken reali
zations of this symmetry. This confinement-deconfinement transition is
of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) type. When there is a to
pological mass the model exhibits a screening phase. However, if the t
opological mass is much smaller than the other dimensional parameters
there is a, vestige of the BKT transition separating regions with scre
ening and confining behavior.