High-spin states in 179Os have been populated by the (S-34, 5n) reacti
on and were studied with the gamma-spectrometer OSIRIS. The three prev
iously known bands were extended to higher spins and four new bands we
re established. From branching and mixing ratios, B(M1)/B(E2) ratios a
nd g(K) factors were extracted, which have been utilized for configura
tion assignments. The bands show large differences in the crossing fea
tures. Their alignment behaviour is probably determined by shape effec
ts and the rotation alignment of an i13/2 quasineutron pair. The i13/2
quasi neutron sequences of opposite signature show a significantly di
fferent backbending behaviour indicating that they do not correspond t
o the same nuclear shape or that the crossing bands are not both of (n
ui13/2)3 configuration.