Functional relationships to describe surface wind mixing, vertical tur
bulent diffusion, convective heat transfer, and radiation penetration
based on data from lakes in Minnesota have been developed. These relat
ionships have been introduced by regressing model parameters found eit
her by analysis of field data or by calibration (minimizing the differ
ence between measured and predicted temperatures) in simulations on in
dividual lakes, against gross lake properties such as surface area or
Secchi depth. Results of the deterministic lake water temperature stra
tification model using the functional relationships are not much diffe
rent than results using the individual calibrations on a great variety
of lake surface areas, depths, and transparencies. The model also req
uires no on-lake weather but uses input from existing off-lake weather
stations. First order uncertainty analysis showed moderate sensitivit
y of simulated lake water temperatures to model coefficients. The nume
rical model which can be used without calibration has an average 1.1-d
egrees-C root mean square error, and 93% of measured lake water temper
atures variability is explained by the numerical simulations, over wid
e ranges of lake morphometries, trophic levels, and meteorological con