Seventeen stratospherically collected particles-eight of which are cla
ssified as interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), seven of which are cl
assified as probable terrestrial contaminants, and two of which have u
ncertain origins-were studied with a microprobe two-step laser mass sp
ectrometer. Many polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alk
ylated derivatives were identified in two of the eight IDPs. The PAHs
observed include a high-mass envelope not found in meteorites or terre
strial contaminants and prominent odd-mass peaks suggestive of nitroge
n-containing functional groups attached to aromatic chromophores. In a
ddition, the complexity of the IDP mass spectra has no precedence in p
revious studies of meteorite samples or their acid residues. Extensive
checks were performed to demonstrate that the PAH signals are not cau
sed by terrestrial contaminants.