Two estimators are derived for the variability of small lots, such as
barges or trains, around the mean of all small lots shipped in some fi
xed time frame such as a month or a quarter. These estimators are desi
gned to account for simultaneous mining from any number of mining mach
ines dispersed over a property and depend on the in situ spatial autoc
orrelation expressed by exploratory drill cores and in-mine sampling a
nd on variability in mining-machine productivity. The two estimators,
both approximations, are referred to as the expanded form and the redu
ced form. The reduced form is considerably easier to apply than the ex
panded form, although it requires more restrictive assumptions. A sens
itivity analysis is provided that demonstrates the reasonableness of t
hese stricter assumptions for mine plans and variograms typical of coa
l. Comparisons of estimated and actual mine-output variability are pro