Outcrossing rates in potato were measured in an open-pollination field
experiment at a location in the Peruvian Andes. Embryo spot, a domina
nt genetic seed marker, was used to measure outcrossing rate. The sour
ce of the dominant marker, the donor, was interplanted among recipient
clones lacking the marker (recessive genotype), for which outcrossing
was to be measured. Eight out of the 17 clones tested were advanced b
reeding clones which had wild species cytoplasm. Seven out of eight of
these had outcrossing rates above 0.75, showing complete male sterili
ty in one case and partial male sterility in six cases. Among the othe
r clones tested, which were male-fertile, outcrossing estimates ranged
from 0. 10 to 0.74. Wide variability in outcrossing rate in autotetra
ploid potato suggests that it should be possible to select for higher
outcrossing rate in production of open-pollinated true seed population
s of potato for genetic or commercial purposes.