A survey of 85 beef cattle producers in North Dakota was conducted to
determine differences in scours in beef calves with respect to calving
times and corn silage feeding, Fifty-eight of the ranchers returned t
he surveys, giving a 68% response rate. Findings indicated that calves
born in herds in which heifers were bred before the rest of the cow h
erd were 1.6 times more likely to have scours than were calves that we
re born in herds in which heifer breeding was begun at the same time a
s the cows. Additionally, the calf scours rate was lower in herds in w
hich corn silage was fed to cows compared to herds that were not fed s
ilage. Protocols are needed to extract and evaluate the variables asso
ciated with calf scours. Through careful observation and by presenting
the correct questions about management and nutrition, the answers to
scours challenges can be obtained by practitioners.