A number of improvements have been made to the nodal collocation metho
d in order to obtain a high-order nodal technique capable of solving t
he neutron diffusion equation over full-core three-dimensional pressur
ized water reactors. First, the nodal collocation method is derived fo
rmally from a dual variational principle, using Gauss-Lobatto quadratu
res. Analytical integration and Gauss-Legendre quadratures are next ap
plied to the same dual functional in order to obtain more accurate dis
cretizations. An efficient ADI numerical technique with a supervectori
zation procedure was set up to solve tile resulting matrix system. Val
idation results are given for the IAEA 2-D, Biblis and IAEA 3-D benchm
arks and for a typical full-core 3-D representation of a pressurized w
ater reactor at the beginning of the second cycle.