Preincubation with 0.3 mM Zn2+ markedly inhibited both the tonic respo
nse and Ca2+ binding at low affinity sites induced by K+ (60 mM), with
smaller effects on the. phasic response and the high affinity Ca2+ si
tes, in Taenia coli. However, when the muscle was kept in Zn2+-contain
ing medium following the first stimulation with the K+, the phasic res
ponse and the high affinity Ca2+ sites were more severely inhibited du
ring the second stimulation with K+. This probably indicates that Zn2 reduced the tonic tension response to K+ mainly by inhibiting Ca2+ in
flux at the cell membranes of Taenia coli. However, when Zn2+ is conti
nuously present, Ca2+ is not supplied at the storage sites and is not
available for the phasic response to a second stimulation with K+.