The potential was tested of white blood cell count (WBC), haemoglobin
concentration (Hb) and erythrocyte volume fraction (EVF) to differenti
ate between patients with acute mesenteric ischaemia (AMI), perforatio
n of colon, perforation of peptic ulcer, and intestinal obstruction. T
he WBC in patients with AMI (18.95 +/- 6.88 10(3) ml-3) was significan
tly above the normal range (upper cut-off 11.0 10(3) ml-3 ; P<0.0001).
Other variables in the patient groups did not differ from those of he
althy individuals. All variables were, however, different between pati
ents with AMI and non-AMI (P<0.001). Receiver operator characteristic
(ROC) curves were constructed to define the optimal cut-off for each v
ariable. Sensitivity and specificity of the variables were between 62%
and 75%. Discriminant analysis of the variables classified 80% of the
patients correctly into AMI and non-AMI groups.