The following theorem is proved for the case k + r > 2. Theorem. If k,
r is-an-element-of N, I:= [-1, 1], and the function f = f(x) is nonde
creasing on I and has r continuous derivatives, then for each positive
integer n greater-than-or-equal-to r + k - 1 there is an algebraic po
lynomial P(n) = P(n) (x) of degree less-than-or-equal-to n that is non
decreasing on I and such that for all x is-an-element-of I \f(x) - P(n
)(x)\ less-than-or-equal-to c(1/n2 + square-root 1-x2/n)(r)omega(k)(f(
r); 1/n2 + square-root 1-x2/n), c = c(r, k), where omega(k)(f(r);t) is
the kth-order modulus of continuity of the function f(r) = f(pr)(x) B
ibliography: 16 titles.