St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze] is less dr
ought-resistant than other C-4 grasses and frequently requires irrigat
ion in lawns. The objectives of this study were to search for St. Augu
stinegrass germplasm having little wilting and to determine if minimal
wilting under drought is associated with reduced canopy loss. St. Aug
ustinegrass cultivars and breeding lines, representing polyploids (2n
= 27 to 32) and diploids (2n = 18), were grown in sand soil and expose
d to irrigation suspensions during seasonal droughts in three experime
nts. In the first experiment, during brief (3 to 14 day) irrigation su
spensions, wilted area over 3 years was significantly less for polyplo
ids (6% of canopy) than for diploids (23%). In the second experiment,
during a permanent irrigation suspension, frequency of wilt was highes
t for diploids (57%), least for African polyploids (27%), and intermed
iate (53%) for other polyploids. When rain resumed after 41 days of dr
ought, allowing refoliation, canopy loss was 51%, 4%, and 47% for dipl
oids, African polyploids, and other polyploids, respectively. In the t
hird experiment, during a permanent irrigation suspension, wilted area
was 33% for 'Jade,' a diploid, which was more (P less than or equal t
o 0.05) than for the polyploid 'FX-10,' with a wilted area of 20%. 'Fl
oratam' and 'Bitterblue' were intermediate in wilted area, 28% and 25%
, respectively. When rain resumed after 18 days of drought, canopy los
s was 58% and 56% for 'Jade' and 'Bitterblue,' respectively, which was
more than for 'Floratan' adn 'FX-10,' 11% and 6%. Following permanent
irrigation suspensions, canopy loss was closely associated with wilti
ng, r(2) = 0.88 and 0.94 by the Gompertz nonlinear model. Because the
sand soil had low water-holding capacity, the wet subsoil and shallow
(1.35 m deep) water table may have been a source of water. Wilt-avoida
nt St. Augustinegrass may help reduce turfgrass water use.