Data on the dip of bedding and the state of strain at specific locatio
ns within a cross-section constrain the restoration of unfaulted, two-
dimensional, variably strained strata. There are two major categories
for restoration of such strata. The first is one-step restoration, whi
ch involves retro-deforming the strain ellipses into their correspondi
ng unit circles while simultaneously removing dips from associated bed
s. This procedure is appropriate if strain indicators record the trans
formation of the strata from the undeformed state to present deformati
on. The second category pertains to situations in which strain indicat
ors record the transformation of the present deformed state from an in
termediate, deformed state. The second category requires multiple step
restoration. For the one-step restoration procedure presented in this
paper, the first task is to determine the transformation constants th
at describe development of observed strain and bedding for each locati
on. The next task is to determine the retro-deformation constants whic
h relate points in their present deformed state to their locations in
the undeformed state. Retro-deformation constants are related to the s
patial derivatives of the Cartesian retrodeformation displacements fun
ctions, U(x,y) and V*(x,y) (for movements in the x and y directions,
respectively). The spatial derivatives of these functions at locations
of observed strain and the displacements of selected points about the
se sites are the basis for constructing continuous, retro-deformation
displacements functions for the deformed section as a whole. The retro
-deformation displacements functions are then invoked to restore the c
ross-section. This procedure is illustrated with an example cross-sect
ion from the Appalachian Fold Belt, and the example shows that the sec
tion may be satisfactorily restored in this way. It is just as likely,
however, that the strain indicators for the example section are a mea
sure of the transformation of the cross-section from a prior, deformed
state to the present deformation. Accordingly, multiple-step restorat
ion is required, first to an intermediate, less deformed state and the
n to the undeformed state. Two sets of retro-deformation displacement
functions are then needed, i.e. one set for transformation to an inter
mediate state followed by a second to the undeformed state. This proce
dure was done for the Appalachian fold-thrust belt example, restoring
first the present deformed section to an intermediate state derived fr
om the regional fold history. In turn, intermediate state points were
transformed to an undeformed state assuming knowledge of an undeformed
stratal thickness and assuming that cross-sectional area has been pre
served. This procedure is technically different to that used in the on
e-step procedure, but conceptually similar. The objective, once again,
is to discover appropriate retro-deformation displacements functions.