This paper is an attempt to identify individual coping strategies of d
octors in sub-Saharan Africa. It also provides some indication of the
'effectiveness' of these strategies in terms of income generation, and
analyses their potential impact on the functioning of the health care
system. It is based on semi-structured interviews of 21 doctors worki
ng in the public health sector in sub-Saharan Africa and attending in
1995 an international Master's course in Public Health in Belgium or i
n Portugal. This small sample of physicians yielded reports about 28 d
ifferent types of individual strategies. Most of these potentially aff
ect hearth service delivery more through reduced availability of staff
than through the more blatant misappropriations. Activities related t
o the health field are mentioned most often. Allowances and per diems
seem to be top regarding frequency and effectiveness, followed by seco
ndary jobs, private practice or gifts from patients. None of the inter
viewees, however, admits using public resources for private purposes.
Side activities may bring in very considerable amounts of income, out
of proportion to the official salary, and can also be very time consum
ing. Nevertheless, all interviewees identify themselves in the first p
lace as civil servants. Individual coping strategies may lead to undes
irable side-effects for health care delivery, through a net transfer o
f resources (qualified personnel-time and material resources) from the
public to the private-for-profit sector. There may also be positive e
ffects though, be it in terms of mobilization of additional resources,
of stabilization of qualified personnel or of realization of professi
onal goals. However, these emerging strategies call for innovative mec
hanisms, likely to shape coping strategies in such a way that they rem
ain compatible with equity and quality of care to the population.