In in-vitro preparations of both macaque and human retina, intracellul
ar injections of Neurobiotin and horseradish peroxidase were used to c
haracterize the morphology, depth of stratification, and mosaic organi
zation of a type of bistratified ganglion cell. This cell type, here c
alled the small bistratified cell, has been shown to project to the pa
rvocellular layers of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (Rodieck,
1991) and is therefore likely to show color-opponent response properti
es. In both human and macaque, the two dendritic tiers of the bistrati
fied cell are narrowly stratified close to the inner and outer borders
of the inner plexiform layer. The inner tier is larger in diameter an
d more densely branched than the outer tier and gives rise to distinct
spine-like branchlets bearing large, often lobulated heads. By contra
st the smaller, outer tier is sparsely branched and relatively spine-f
ree. In human retina, the small bistratified cells range in dendritic
field diameter from approximately 50 mum in central retina to approxim
ately 400 mum in the far periphery. The human small bistratified cells
are about 20% larger in dendritic-field diameter than their counterpa
rts in the macaque. However, when the difference in retinal magnificat
ion between human and macaque is taken into account, the small bistrat
ified cells are similar in size in both species. In macaque, the small
bistratified cell has a dendritic-field size that is approximately 10
% larger than that of the magnocellular-projecting parasol ganglion ce
ll. Human small bistratified ganglion cells tend to have smaller dendr
itic-field diameters than parasol cells. This is because parasol gangl
ion cells are larger in human than in macaque retina (Dacey & Petersen
, 1992). In macaque retina, intracellular injections of Neurobiotin re
vealed heterotypic tracer coupling to a distinct mosaic of amacrine ce
lls and probable homotypic coupling to an array of neighboring ganglio
n cells around the perimeter of the injected cell's dendritic tree. Th
e amacrine cell mosaic had a density of 1700 cells/mm2 in peripheral r
etina. Individual amacrines had small, densely branched and bistratifi
ed dendritic fields. From the homotypic coupling, it was possible to e
stimate for the small bistratified cell a coverage factor of approxima
tely 1.8, and a density of approximately 1% of the total ganglion cell
s in central retina, increasing to approximately 6-10% in the retinal
periphery. The estimated density, dendritic-field size, and depth of s
tratification all suggest that the small bistratified ganglion cell ty
pe is the morphological counterpart of the common short-wavelength sen
sitive or 'blue-ON' physiological type.