Some patients with Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome-positive chronic myelo
id leukemia (CML) may achieve partially or completely Ph-negative hemo
poiesis after treatment with high doses of cytotoxic drugs or interfer
on-alpha at standard dosage. This observation leads to three important
questions: 1) are Ph-negative myeloid cells in such patients strictly
normal? 2) can such Ph-negative cells be identified in all newly diag
nosed patients or only in a minority? and 3) what is the basis for the
proliferative advantage manifested by CML cells and why might it be t
emporarily lost as a result of treatment? The mechanisms that might pr
event the proliferation of normal cells in an environment of Ph-positi
ve cells and the relevance of these questions to the design of a strat
egy aimed at obtaining complete remission in the majority of patients
are considered. Such a strategy might incorporate auto-grafting with P
h-negative stem cells harvested during the recovery phase of high dose