A stable mixed bacterial culture which degrades the herbicide linuron
was isolated from soil by enrichment with linuron in a liquid mineral
medium. Radio-respirometry studies showed that the culture mineralised
linuron completely. No intermediate degradation products were detecte
d in the medium. The culture was able to utilise linuron as a source o
f both nitrogen and carbon and was also able to degrade the related he
rbicides monolinuron and chlorbromuron and the possible intermediate d
egradation products of linuron: 3,4-dichlorophenyl-1-methylurea, 3,4-d
ichlorophenylurea and 3,4-dichloroaniline. The culture was unable to d
egrade the 1,1-dimethyl substituted ureas monuron, diuron or metoxuron
. The culture contained Gram-negative aerobic rods, and Gram-positive
aerobic non-spore-forming rods and cocco-bacilli. Of 124 isolates from
the mixed culture, none degraded linuron in pure culture, indicating
that a consortium of organisms is involved. Further investigation sugg
ested that Pseudomonas spp. were important components of the populatio
n responsible for degradation.