We have examined the cross-relaxation behavior among the protons of oy
ster glycogen using nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE). Steady-state
and transient NOEs were generated using low-power CW irradiation and
frequency-selective inversions. In D2O, saturation of glycogen H2 and
H4' at 3.64 ppm gave a strong negative NOE (eta = -0.74) at H1. The NO
E was similar to the value predicted by the correlation time (tau(c))
calculated from the T1 and T2 of glycogen H1 in D2O assuming an isotro
pic rigid motor dipole-dipole model. Selective inversion of H2 and H4'
gave a transient NOE at H1. In D2O, selective inversion of H1 also le
d to negative transient NOEs in the H2+H4', H3, and H5 resonances. The
magnitude and rates of appearance of the NOEs in H3 and H5 were too l
arge to arise from direct H1-H3 and H1-H5 dipolar interactions, but we
re consistent with very efficient cross-relaxation leading to large se
cond-order NOEs. The glycogen H1 NOE in H2O was also studied. Replacem
ent of D2O with H2O as solvent significantly reduced the steady-state
NOE at H1 following saturation of H2+H4'. Saturation of the water reso
nance caused a large negative NOE at H1 (eta = -0.55) consistent with
our earlier study which indicated that there was no direct dipolar int
eraction between H1 and free H2O.