Objective: To evaluate dynamic fluoroscopy of the pelvic floor for the
study of women with pelvic floor disorders. Methods: In a prospective
, observational study in a tertiary care referral center, 30 women wit
h prolapse beyond the introitus underwent comprehensive fluoroscopic i
maging of the pelvic floor. Results: Dynamic fluoroscopy of the pelvic
floor was technically possible in all patients. Whereas the physical
examinations appeared relatively similar in these patients, the fluoro
scopic examination revealed distinct differences. Of the 30 women, 25
had a cystocele, 25 had a rectocele, and 26 had an enterocele. Eleven
patients had their surgical plan modified accordingly. Pelvic floor fl
uoroscopy is not a test for urinary or fecal incontinence. However, in
continence was demonstrated objectively in ten women (eight with fecal
incontinence, two with urinary incontinence). Conclusion: Dynamic flu
oroscopy of the pelvic floor is a useful adjunct in the clinical evalu
ation of women with prolapse. This imaging can be used to individualiz
e the operative approach to prolapse. It is superior to clinical exami
nation for the detection of enterocele formation. In addition, it prov
ides information regarding the emptying function of the rectocele, whi
ch is not obtainable on physical examination.