S-100 protein, extracted from bovine brain, is the first described of
the modern generation of marker molecules for melanocytic tumours. Des
pite the observation thal many different types of cells express S-100
protein, detection of the molecule in tumour cells in appropriate clin
ical and pathological circumstances is a widely used and effective adj
unct to the determination that a tumour is melanocytic. Antibodies to
S-100 protein are best deployed as part of a package that includes ant
ibodies to other melanoma-associated epitopes (HMB-45, NKI-C3/Beteb),
cytokeratins and common leukocyte antigen. Antibodies to S-100 protein
may also increase the accuracy of melanoma staging and permit detecti
on of small numbers of metastatic tumour cells that are not detectable
by conventional histology. Future applications will probably include
the wider use of antibodies to the S-100 protein monomers (alpha and b
eta) and the detection and quantification of S-100 protein in body flu
ids and tissues.