This study centers on the general health of dental patients, evaluated
on the basis of the physical status classification system of the Amer
ican Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). A total of 4,087 patients com
pleted a risk-related, patient-administered questionnaire. On the basi
s of their medical data, a computerized ASA classification was determi
ned for each patient: 63.3 percent were in ASA class I, 25. 7 percent
in class II, 8.9 percent in class III, and 2. 1 percent in class IV. A
fter verification and/or consultation with the physician, the dentist
also determined the ASA class, and this was compared with the computer
ized outcome, The agreement expressed as a kappa value was 0.64; the c
omputer result generally placed the patient in a higher category of me
dical risk. The computer-determined ASA classes differed among the var
ious dental practices (chi(2)=262.9; df= 138; P<.01). It is possible t
o estimate the risk class of dental patients on the basis of standardi
zed medical information only; however, the definitive ASA class can on
ly be determined after verification of the patient's reply or, in some
cases, after consultation with a physician.