We have investigated the fracture toughness and fracture mechanisms of
planar interfaces between polystyrene (PS) and poly(2-vinylpyridine)
(PVP), which were reinforced with a series of deuterium-labeled dPS-PV
P block copolymers of relatively high areal chain density, SIGMA; thes
e are designated 800/870, 510/540, and 580/220, where the numbers are
the polymerization indices of the dPS and PVP blocks. The critical ene
rgy release rate of the interfacial crack, G(c) (fracture toughness),
was measured as a function of SIGMA using an asymmetric double cantile
ver beam geometry, and fracture mechanisms were studied by transmissio
n electron microscopy (TEM) and forward recoil spectrometry (FRES), wh
ich permitted the location of the dPS block to be determined. For the
asymmetric block copolymer (580/220), we observed spherical micelles o
n the PS side of the interface at large SIGMA's and G(c) remained cons
tant, indicating that these block copolymer micelles have no effect on
G(c). FRES and TEM observations showed that fracture occurred by craz
ing in PS followed by craze breakdown, and the locus of the fracture w
as the PVP/PS craze interface. In contrast to these results for the as
ymmetric block copolymer, we observed that the symmetrical block copol
ymers (510/540 and 800/870) formed lamellae at the interface at large
SIGMA's and that this lamellar structure affected G(c). In both cases,
after exhibiting a maximum at SIGMA corresponding to the saturation c
overage of the interface with block copolymer chains, G(c) began to de
crease and finally reached a constant value when the interface was ful
ly covered with one additional block copolymer lamella. TEM observatio
n showed that the fracture mechanism is crazing on the PS side followe
d by craze breakdown at the PVP/PS craze interface. FRES analysis reve
aled that for 800/870 fracture took place both within the PS lamella a
nd at the interface between outer block copolymer chains of the lamell
a and PS homopolymer, while fracture took place between the dPS block
brush at the saturated interface and the dPS block of the lamella for
510/540. These results show that there are limits to the interface tou
ghening that can be produced by adding diblock copolymers, especially
for symmetric block copolymers. Adding more block copolymer than neede
d to saturate the interface actually produces secondary (lamellar) int
erfaces which are weaker than the original saturated homopolymer one.