We consider the following NP optimization problem: Given a set of poly
nomials P-i(x), i = 1,...,s, of degree at most 2 over GF[p] in n varia
bles, find a root common to as many as possible of the polynomials P-i
(x). We prove that in the case in which the polynomials do not contain
any squares as monomials, it is always possible to approximate this p
roblem within a factor of p(2)/(p - 1) in polynomial time for fixed p.
This follows from the stronger statement that one can, in polynomial
time, find an assignment that satisfies at least (p - 1)/p(2) of the n
ontrivial equations. More interestingly, we prove that approximating t
he maximal number of polynomials with a common root to within a factor
of p-epsilon is NP-hard. This implies that the ratio between the perf
ormance of the approximation algorithm and the impossibility result is
essentially p/(p - 1), which can be made arbitrarily close to 1 by ch
oosing g large. We also prove that for any constant delta < 1, it is N
P-hard to approximate the solution of quadratic equations over the rat
ional numbers, or over the reals, within n(delta).