Background. Recent evidence suggests that atrioventricular junctional
reentrant tachycardia (AVJRT) uses a reentrant -circuit that involves
the atrioventricular (AV) node, the atrionodal connections, and perino
dal atrial tissue. Electrogram morphology has been used to target the
delivery of radiofrequency energy to the site of the ''slow pathway,''
a component of this reentrant circuit. The aim of this study was to l
ocalize precisely the sites of atrionodal connections involved in AVJR
T and to examine atrial electrogram morphologies and their spatial dis
tribution over Koch's triangle. Methods and Results. Electrical activa
tion of Koch's triangle and the proximal coronary sinus was examined i
n 13 patients using a 60-point plaque electrode and computerized mappi
ng system. Recordings were made during sinus rhythm (n=12), left atria
l pacing (n=8), ventricular pacing (n=12), and AVJRT (n=12). During si
nus rhythm electrical activation approached Koch's triangle and the AV
node from the direction of the anterior limbus, activating the anteri
or part of the triangle before the posterior part. A zone of slow cond
uction during sinus rhythm was found within Koch's triangle in 64% of
patients. The pattern of atrial activation in Koch's triangle during a
nterograde fast pathway conduction was similar to that seen during ant
erograde slow pathway conduction. Retrograde fast pathway conduction d
uring ventricular pacing and during anterior (typical) AVJRT caused ea
rliest atrial activation at the apex of Koch's triangle near the AV no
de-His bundle junction. In individual patients the site of earliest at
rial activation was similar for both anterior AVJRT and retrograde fas
t pathway conduction during ventricular pacing. Retrograde slow pathwa
y conduction during ventricular pacing and during posterior (uncommon
or atypical) AVJRT caused earliest atrial activation posterior to the
AV node near the orifice of the coronary sinus. This posterior or ''sl
ow pathway'' exit site was 15+/-4 mm from the His bundle. In individua
l patients the site of earliest atrial activation was similar for both
posterior AVJRT and retrograde slow pathway conduction during ventric
ular pacing. In one patient anterograde and retrograde conduction occu
rred via separate slow pathways during AVJRT. Complex atrial electrogr
ams with two or more components were observed near the, coronary sinus
orifice and in the posterior part of Koch's triangle in all cases. Th
ese were categorized as either low or high frequency potentials accord
ing to the rapidity of the second component of the electrogram. Low fr
equency potentials were present at the site of earliest atrial excitat
ion during retrograde slow pathway conduction in 5 of 5 cases (100%) a
nd high frequency potentials in 4 of 5 cases (80%). However, both slow
and high frequency potentials could be found at sites up to 16 mm fro
m the site of earliest atrial excitation. Conclusions. At least two di
stinct groups of atrionodal connections exist. The site of earliest at
rial activation during anterior AVJRT is similar to that of fast pathw
ay conduction during ventricular pacing. This site is close to the His
bundle-AV node junction. The site of earliest atrial activation durin
g posterior AVJRT is similar to that of slow pathway conduction during
ventricular pacing. This site is near the coronary sinus orifice, app
roximately 15 mm from the His bundle. The anterograde slow pathway app
ears to be different from the retrograde slow pathway in some patients
. Double atrial electrograms are an imprecise guide to the site of ear
liest atrial excitation during retrograde slow pathway conduction.