Acceleration data taken for the first time from the orbital accelerati
on research experiment during re-entry on Space Transportation System-
62 have been analyzed using in situ calibration factors, The re-entry
data include the flight regime from orbital altitudes down to about 90
km, which covers the free-molecule-flow regime and the upper altitude
fringes of the rarefied-flow transition into the hypersonic continuum
, Ancillary flight data on Orbiter position, orientation, velocity, an
d rotation rates have been used in models to transform the measured ac
celerations to the Orbiter center of gravity, from which aerodynamic a
ccelerations along the Orbiter body axes have been calculated, Residua
l offsets introduced in the measurements by unmodeled Orbiter forces a
re identified and removed, The resulting aerodynamic acceleration meas
urements along the Orbiter's body axis and the normal to axial acceler
ation ratio in the free-molecule-flow and transition-flow regimes are
presented, and there is excellent agreement when compared with numeric
al simulations from three direct simulation Monte Carlo codes, Also, t
here is good agreement with a direct comparison between the experiment
flight data and an independent microgravity accelerometer experiment,
the high-resolution accelerometer package, which also obtained flight
data on re-entry during the mission down to about 95 km.