Background. Eisenmenger's syndrome remains one of the greatest challen
ges in lung transplantation. Methods and Results. Since October 1990,
seven such patients with Eisenmenger's syndrome received isolated pulm
onary grafts (six double lungs and one single lung). Mean patient age
was 32+/-6 years (two men and five women). The preoperative mean pulmo
nary arterial pressure was 90.7+/-31.2 mm Hg, and the ventriculoscinti
gram showed markedly enlarged right ventricle and normal left ventricu
lar function with ejection fraction of 0.660+/-0.115. Three atrial sep
tal defects and four patent ducti arteriosus were repaired concomitant
ly. Excised lung histology showed plexogenic pulmonary arteriopathy wi
th Heath-Edwards' grade 4 through 6. One double lung patient who had p
reexisting systemic vascular collapse died intraoperatively. The other
six patients tolerated transplantation, and on the first operative da
y, mean pulmonary artery pressure decreased to 22.4+/-7.3 mm Hg (P<.00
2) and gas exchange was acceptable with an arterial/alveolar oxygen te
nsion ratio of 0.47+/-0.15. Two patients died of mediastinal and pulmo
nary infection. The follow-up for the four survivors ranged from 13 to
25 months after transplantation. Conclusions. Our preliminary experie
nce shows that concomitant isolated lung transplantation with cardiac
repair could be a viable therapeutic option for patients with Eisenmen
ger's syndrome and normal left ventricular function. Dynamic right ven
tricular outflow obstruction is a potential hemodynamic problem in the
se pulmonary recipients.