Over the past decade, DNA topoisomerase I and II appeared to be the ta
rgets of some antitumor agents: CPT-II and topotecan derived from Camp
tothecin which interact with topoisomerase I; Actinomycin D, Adriamyci
n and daunorubicin, Elliptinium Acetate, Mitoxantrone, Etoposide and T
eniposide, Amsacrine which interact with topoisomerase II. The multipl
e fonctions of these enzymes are important as they play a role during
replication, transcription, recombination, repair and chromatine organ
isation. Particularly, they relax torsional constraints which appear w
hen intertwined DNA strands are separated while replication fork or RN
A polymerases are moving. To some extent, topoisomerase I and II are s
tructurally and functionally different. Moreover, topoisomerase I is n
ot indispensable for a living cell whereas topoisomerase II is. Drug-t
opoisomerase interaction which probably leads to antitumoral effect of
the compounds studied in this review is not a trivial inhibition of t
he enzyme but rather a poisoning due to stabilization of cleavable com
plexes between the, enzyme and DNA. These stabilized complexes are lik
ely to induce apoptosis-like programmed cell death, which is character
ised by DNA fragmentation. However, it appears that it is the collisio
n of the replication fork with the drug-stabilized cleavable complex t
hat is responsible for the cytotoxicity of the drug: poisoning of topo
isomerases by antitumor agents lends to a new concept of ''dynamic tox
icity''. Although they interact with a common target, topoisomerase II
poisons have differential effects on macromolecules syntheses, cell c
ycle and chromosome fragmentation; a few compounds may produce free ra
dicals. Because of these differential effects in addition to quantitat
ive and qualitative variations of stabilized cleavable complexes, in p
articular DNA sequences on which topoisomerase II is stabilized, these
antitumor agents do not resemble each other; Cellular resistance to t
opoisomerases poisons results of two principal types of alteration: ta
rget and/or drug transport modification. Decreased ability to form the
cleavable complex in resistant cells may be the consequence of both d
ecreased amount of topoisomerase or altered enzyme. On the other hand,
overexpression of membrane P-glycoprotein, which pumps drugs out of t
he cell by an energy dependent process provokes a decreased accumulati
on of these drugs. Cross resistances to other drugs are mainly under c
ontrol of these two different mechanisms of resistance. A complete kno
wledge of their individual effects and mechanisms of resistance would
allow a better clinical use of topoisomerases poisons, especially when
administred in combination chemotherapy.