Recent spectroscopic and speckle-interferometric observations made by
separate observers have established the existence of a tertiary compon
ent in the V505 Sagittarii system. V505 Sgr has been observed and stud
ied many times since its discovery in 1934, but the light of the third
component l3 has never been detected in light curve solutions. In the
present study the SIMPLEX algorithm [Kallrath & Linnell, ApJ, 313, 34
6 (1987)] and the Differential Correction (DC) code [Wilson, ApJ, 234,
1054 (1979)] were used to analyze, for the first time, data obtained
by Walter [A&AS, 46, 263 (1981)]. The solutions reveal l3 contributing
7 percent light in the V bandwidth, 5 percent in B, and 4 percent in
U. These relative intensities correspond to a star with an F8 V spectr
um. Tomkin [ApJ, 387, 631 (1992)] obtained F7 V for the third componen
t from his spectroscopic investigation. The photometric mass ratio (q
= 0.52) also agrees with Tomkin's study. A comparison between the SIMP
LEX and DC solutions is presented.