The process of tree mortality has dimensions of intensity spatial, and
temporal scales that reflect the characteristics of endogenic process
es (i.e., senescence) and exogenic disturbances (i.e., severity, frequ
ency, duration, spatial scale, and points of interaction with the ecos
ystem. Tree mortality events expressed as percent of stems or biomass
per unit area, range in intensity from background (<5% yr(-1)) to cata
strophic (>5% yr-l), in spatial scale from local to massive, and in te
mporal scale from gradual to sudden (hours to weeks). Absolute annual
rates of background tree mortality (biomass or stem ha(-1) yr(-1)) can
vary several fold depending on stand conditions and tend to increase
with stem density. The ecological effects of a catastrophic, massive,
and sudden tree mortality event contrast with those of background, loc
al, and gradual tree mortality in terms of the direction of succession
after the event, community dynamics, nutrient cycling, and possibly s
election on trees. When standardized for the return frequency of distu
rbance events, area, and topography, the ranking of tree mortality eve
nts (trees ha(-1) century(-1)) in the Luquillo Experimental Forest is:
background > hurricanes > individual tree fall gaps > landslides. Est
imates of vegetation turnover rates require long-term and spatial anal
ysis to yield accurate results.