The authors report a case of malignant tumor of the thyroid in a 79 ye
ars old woman with a long standing goiter for 20 years but who did not
live in endemic mountainous goiter area. The right lobe of the thyroi
d was surgically removed in februar 1992 because increasing in size. P
athologic diagnosis was non malignant cystic lesion. Two months later,
a recurrence with dyspnea urged a tracheostomy. The patient died 9 da
ys later because of intra bronchial and pleura hemorrhage. The morphol
ogical and immuno-histochemical investigations showed angiosarcomatous
features and positive reactivity with Facteur VIII and UEA 1 markers
in the tumour and pulmonary metastases. The diagnosis of Malignant hem
angio-endothelioma was concluded.