Idiopathic myelofibrosis is a chronic myeloproliferative syndrome for
which there is no effective treatment. The good results obtained with
interferon in other chronic myeloproliferative syndromes have led thei
r being tested in idiopathic myelofibrosis, but to date the experience
is scarce. Four patients out of a total of 12 diagnosed with idiopath
ic myelofibroses over a period of 3 years were selected for interferon
treatment. Patients with low leukocyte or platelet counts or with con
traindication for administration of the drug were excluded. Alpha-2b i
nterferon was administered at an initial dose of 3 MU/day which was in
creased at 4-6 weeks to 5 MU/day in cases of insufficient response and
if tolerance so permitted. In patients in whom favorable response was
observed a maintenance schedule was initiated with low doses of inter
feron. Treatment was discontinued in two patients due to bad tolerance
at 6 and 8 weeks of initiation of treatment with no response having b
een observed until that time. In the other patients favorable response
was reported to interferon after 5 months of treatment with disappear
ance of the symptomatology, normalization of the hemoperipheral values
and a marked reduction of splenomegaly. This response was accompanied
by a decrease in bone marrow fibrosis in one case and total disappear
ance of the same in the other patient. Alpha-2b interferon constitutes
an effective therapy for a selected number of patients with idiopathi
c myelofibrosis. Greater experience would allow the identification of
the subgroup of patients who may benefit from this type of treatment.