Celery (Apium graveolens L. var Dulce) is a high value crop affected a
t different growth stages by a variety of nutrient disorders. Each nut
rient concentration can be corrected for its dependence on concentrati
ons of other nutrients by recognizing plant composition as a closed sy
stem whose components add up to one. New variables z(i) are computed a
s logratioed values of individual nutrients, where each nutrient conce
ntration is corrected for the geometric mean of all nutrient concentra
tions. The z(i) are used together with principal component analysis (P
CA) to relate celery composition to yield, deficiency symptoms and qua
lity parameters. A survey of commercial celery fields suggested that (
1) celery growth is most often limited by P and N deficiencies associa
ted with Fe toxicity; (2) K uptake is most likely to become limiting w
hen the crop reaches 15 cm in height; (3) blackheart incidence can be
traced to low levels of K and Mg in external petioles, and (4) cracked
stem incidence is related to low B when the crop is 30 cm in height.