The zero-field nuclear spin-echo spectra of Cu and Bi exhibiting a loc
al magnetic field were obtained in the antiferromagnetic (AF) state of
the Bi2CuO4 crystals, grown by a hydrothermal technique. The crystals
have an orthorhombic unit cell in comparison with the tetragonal P4/n
cc symmetry previously assumed. The analysis of the resonance frequenc
ies and the intensity behaviour showed the existence of (i) two crysta
llographically and magnetically inequivalent sites both for Cu and Bi
atoms, and (ii) a large enhancement associated with the presence of a
spontaneous magnetic moment. The new results can be understood by taki
ng into account the lowering of symmetry due to an orthorhombic distor
tion of our crystals. The magnetic structure with Cu moments parallel
to CUO4 planes was found more preferable to explain the experimental d