Thick (similar to 0.2-1 mu m) layers of octaorganylsilsesquioxanes [RS
iO(1.5)](8), where R is CH3, C2H3, and C2H5, were obtained by vacuum d
eposition and studied by X-ray diffractometry (DRON-3M, R=192 mm, CuKa
lpha radiation). Irrespective of the type of support, the layers are i
deally oriented polycrystalline films with the [001] texture axis. Str
uctural arrangement of the layers is analyzed on the basis of the crys
tal data. Orientation of the terminal atomic groups on the surface of
the layer is established It is shown that it is possible to adjust the
scale of the layer pattern Two-layer compositions - Cu(II) beta-diket
onates and phthaloyanines on octaorganylsilsesquioxane supports and vi
ce versa - with preserved orientations of the films were obtained.