Objective: Using the transrectal/transvaginal routes for the drainage
of pelvic abscesses complicating colorectal surgery (anterior resectio
n or abdominoperineal resection) is not always possible. The conventio
nal transgluteal approach through the greater sciatic foramen, althoug
h proven to be a valuable access route, can have complications (mainly
local pain). Materials and Methods: To avoid these difficulties, a CT
-guided paracoccygeal-infragluteal approach was used in the percutaneo
us drainage of deep pelvic (presacral and ischiorectal) abscesses pres
enting after colorectal surgery in six patients. Results: Percutaneous
drainage through this approach was successful in preventing the need
for surgery in all six patients. No complications or recurrences were
noted, and catheters were removed an average of 15 days after insertio
n. Conclusion: In comparison with the classical transgluteal approach,
the paracoccygeal-infragluteal approach minimizes patient discomfort
and minimizes the risk of potential injury to the sciatic plexus or bl
ood vessels. This initial series shows that a CT-guided paracoccygeal-
infragluteal approach is well tolerated, safe, and effective for the p
ercutaneous drainage of pelvic abscesses developing after colorectal s