Nutrient resorption is the physiological process that acta to conserve
plant nutrients by withdrawing them from tissues undergoing senescenc
e and sequestering them for future use. Speculation about this process
has suggested that desert shrubs may rely heavily on resorption to co
nserve specific nutrients that are often in short supply in arid lands
. The objectives of this paper are to examine the efficiency of nitrog
en and phosphorus resorption in desert shrubs and to comment on thc po
tential interplay between resorption and desertification. Mean resorpt
ion efficiencies for nitrogen and phosphorus were 57% and 53%, respect
ively, in the seven species of desert shrubs for which resorption data
were available. Corresponding efficiencies for non-desert woody peren
nials were 52% and 43%. Desert shrubs also had a higher proportion of
resorption efficiencies in the upper extremes of recorded resorption v
alues than did non-desert plants. These data suggest that resorption m
ay be more important to the nutrient economy of desert shrubs than it
is to woody perennials inhabiting more mesic environments. A detailed
consideration of litter nutrient content in desert shrubs, placed in t
he context of functional resorption thresholds, provided further suppo
rt for the hypothesis that resorption of nitrogen and phosphorus in de
sert shrubs is as efficient, or more efficient, than resorption of the
se nutrients in non-desert woody perennials. If the considerable trans
port of surface litter in deserts caused by wind and water erosion aff
ord desert shrubs a reduced probability of recuperating nutrients from
abscised litter, then differences in the availability of mineralizabl
e organic litter could account for the disparity in resorption efficie
ncies between desert shrubs and non-desert woody perennials. The possi
bility that the regulation of resorption efficiencies in desert shrubs
may be quite complex was supported by the high degree of intersite an
d interyear variation in resorption efficiency exhibited by Fouquieria
splendens. Conclusions from previously published analyses suggesting
that nitrogen in the litter of desert plants is substantially higher t
han in non-desert plants were not supported by the data assembled here
on desert shrubs. Speculation on the potential interplay between reso
rption and desertification resulted in the conclusion that potential e
ffects are reciprocal. Although high resorption efficiencies in the do
minant plants of an area undergoing desertification could act to delay
specific community-level effects of such a perturbation, environmenta
l changes that often accompany the desertification process could also
act to reduce resorption efficiencies.