Tallow, Ca salts of palm fatty acids, or prilled fatty acids were adde
d at 2.5% to a control diet (3.7% fatty acids) containing 7.2% ammonia
ted whole cottonseed. Diets were fed to midlactation cows (6 cows per
treatment) for 72 d to determine effects of fat supplementation and fa
t source on lactation performance and nutrient digestibilities. Dry ma
tter intake did not differ among treatments. Milk yield was 31.6 kg/d
for the control and increased an average of 2.1 kg/d with fat suppleme
ntation. Source of supplemental fat did not significantly affect lacta
tion performance. Added fat decreased milk protein content but did not
affect protein yield. Milk fat, lactose, and SNF contents did not dif
fer among treatments. Overall fat supplementation did not affect diges
tibilities of DM, ADF, or NDF but decreased digestibility of fatty aci
ds. Contribution of de novo fatty acids to milk fat was decreased with
fat supplementation. Addition of 2.5% fat to a diet containing a medi
um amount of fat from whole cottonseed increased milk yield. Tallow, C
a salt of palm fatty acids, and prilled fatty acids did not differ in
milk yield response.