Between October 1960 and January 1991, 5 male and 9 female patients (m
ean age, 44 +/- 19 years) were seen at the Mayo Clinic because of medi
astinal paraganglioma. Nine patients presented with hypertension. In t
hese and an additional patient, the tumors were biochemically active.
In 13 patients, the mediastinal mass was localized preoperatively. All
patients with functioning tumors received alpha-adrenergic and beta-a
drenergic blockade preoperatively. Total resection was performed in 11
patients and partial resection in 2. In 1 patient, the tumor was foun
d at postmortem examination. Five lesions were grossly invasive and ni
ne were noninvasive. Blood pressure returned to normal in 6 of the 8 h
ypertensive patients whose tumors were totally removed. In 4, catechol
amine excretion normalized as well. Tumor multicentricity occurred in
6 patients. In 7 patients, the disease took a malignant course (metast
ases in 5 and progression of unresectable lesions in 2). The probabili
ty of 10-year survival after resection was 50% in the group with malig
nant tumors, and there were no deaths in the group with benign lesions
. Analysis of the DNA cellular content showed no correlation between t
he ploidy pattern and the behavior of the disease.