A 45-year-old man attempted to commit suicid by ingesting a large amou
nt of barium. In some hours, he experienced generalized muscle weaknes
s with hypokalaemia, treated by large dose of potassium (440 mmol in t
he first day). This weakness resulted in difficulties in swallowing an
d respiratory failure requiring mechanical vcntilation. An anuric rena
l insufficiency started early, requiring haemodialysis for three weeks
. It was induced probably by renal toxicity of barium and recovered co
mpletely. Later, the patient experienced an extrapyramidal syndrome in
itiated by tremor and myoclonia. Hypertonia induced a parkinsonian rhe
umatism, fixing the two hands in an irreductible position. There was a
lso a contracture of superior sphincter of oesophagus, with severe dis
turbance of deglutition, ending after three months only. MRI study sho
wed a bilateral hypersignal in basal ganglia and thalamus. It remains
unknown whether this neurological syndrome was toxic or ischaemic. Thi
s patient remained under mechanical ventilation for three months becau
se of disturbances of deglutition. He was discharged to his home at th
e 6th month. One year later he was still adynamic, but able to carry o
ur rather precise movements.