Despite widespread agreement on the value of shape analysis in the stu
dy of sediments, methods of representing and summarizing data have pro
ved difficult to standardize. This paper shows that Sneed and Folk ter
nary diagrams provide an appropriate standard method of representing d
ata and a rational basis for the choice of descriptive indices and ana
lytical methods. Such diagrams have the unique quality of representing
the variation of particle shapes without bias or distortion, unlike a
lternative diagrams (e.g. biaxial Zingg plots). Simple descriptive sha
pe indices plot on Sneed and Folk diagrams as straight lines, and beha
vioural indices (e.g. sphericity) as curves. No index or pair of indic
es can be regarded as 'optimum' in all situations: indices should be c
hosen with reference to particular data distributions and specific res
earch aims. The use of ternary diagrams in studies of clast shape is i
llustrated using data from Slettmarkbreen, Norway.