The aim of this study was to establish nomograms of renal length in ch
ildren comparing age, body weight, and height. Renal lengths were obta
ined from data derived from Tc-99m DMSA scintigraphy in 266 patients w
ith 532 kidneys that appeared normal on DMSA studies. The children's a
ges ranged from 6 days to 19 years. Renal length appeared to have nonl
inear relationships with patient weight and age, but was found to corr
elate linearly with patient height. On average, scintigraphic renal le
ngth exceeded sonographic renal length by approximately 1 cm. The most
likely explanation for this is the effect of respiration causing rena
l motion during the acquisition of the scintigraphic images. It is hop
ed that the nomograms derived from these data will be of use in routin
e clinical practice for nuclear medicine departments performing DMSA s
cintigraphy in children.