A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to study the morphology
of starch granules and the strength of market Udon (Japanese noodles),
that is, fresh Udon, frozen Udon and cooled Udon after cooking. Udon
samples were cooked for a given time and observed with SEM and also we
measured the breaking strength. The following results were obtained.
1. The degree of swelling of starch granules in cooked Udon samples di
ffered with the position from the surface. The starch granules near th
e surface swelled extremely and did not retain their original granular
form. 2. A black ring was observed in the cross-section of all cooked
Udon in SEM images. The black ring may be caused by the difference in
the water content between near the surface and the core of cooked Udo
n. 3. The starch granules in the core of cooked Udon had a distinct fo
rm, but they were not a round shape. The shallow surface layer of each
starch granule swelled and gave high contrast. The core of the each s
tarch granule showed low contrast because of its compact structure, wh
ich looked black in the SEM images. The area of the black zone was dif
ferent among Udon samples. 4. There was a correlation between the tota
l area of low contrast zone in the starch granules and the breaking st
rength of Udon. The area of low contrast zone can be used for an evalu
ation scale of cooked Udon.