Computer-based patient records, although an area of active research, a
re not in widespread use. In June 1992, 38% of Dutch general practitio
ners had introduced computer-based patient records. Of these, 70% had
replaced the paper patient record with a computer-based record to retr
ieve and record clinical data during consultations. Possible reasons f
or the use of computer-based patient records include the nature of Dut
ch general practice and the early and active role of professional orga
nizations in recognizing the potential of computer-stored patient reco
rds. Professional organizations issued guidelines for information syst
ems in general practice, evaluated available systems, and provided pos
tgraduate training that prepares physicians to use the systems. In add
ition, professional organizations successfully urged the government to
reimburse general practitioners part of the expenses related to the i
ntroduction of computer-based patient records. Our experience indicate
s that physicians are willing and able to integrate information techno
logy in their practices and that professional organizations can play a
n active role in the introduction of information technology.