The first and so far the only form of isolated growth hormone deficien
cy to accede to molecular genetic analysis is IGHD 1A, which has an au
tosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Several sizes of growth hormone
gene deletions, ranging from 6.7 to 8.5 Kb are responsible for IGHD 1
A. It has been reported that children with IGHD IA have an initial goo
d response to growth hormone treatment, followed by growth failure ass
ociated with the development of blocking antibodies against growth hor
mone. The effectiveness of treatment has been associated to the size o
f the gene deletion. We performed a molecular genetic analysis of the
growth hormone locus, using Southern Blot and PCR techniques, to a 12
years old girl who fulfilled the criteria for IGHD 1A and her closer r
elatives. The results showed a 7 Kb deletion for the growth hormone ge
ne in the girl and one of her borthers.