A new formulation (SPACE) is presented for the prediction of infinite
dilution activity coefficients in nonionic solutions. Statistical meth
ods have been used to develop a critically evaluated gamma(infinity) d
atabase at 25-degrees-C and to determine optimum mathematical expressi
ons. The predictive method stems from earlier work using additive cont
ributions to the cohesive energy density, but all compound-specific ad
justable parameters have been avoided by using known molecular propert
ies, especially the solvatochromic parameters for dipolarity/polarizab
ility and for hydrogen bonding. This method has the advantages of incl
uding explicitly ''chemical'' interactions and of being uncoupled from
any specific g(E)(x) expression. For the present, it is limited to mo
nofunctional molecules at 25-degrees-C, and it has not yet been applie
d to water. Although it appears somewhat more accurate for this databa
se than the UNIFAC method, it should be viewed as a complementary tech
nique-an additional tool for solvent selection by the design engineer.