PURPOSE. To characterize MR findings in mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS), t
o aid in diagnosis and categorization, and to define the role of MR in
preoperative evaluation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six children with Hur
ler syndrome (MPS IH), five with Hunter syndrome (MPS II), and three w
ith Sanfilippo A syndrome (MPS IIIA)-were studied by routine T1-weight
ed and T2-weighted images at 1.5 T. MR findings were graded retrospect
ively. RESULTS: All had hallmark cribriform changes (sieve-like or mul
ticystic) involving peri- and supraventricular, parietal, white matter
(12), corpus callosum (8), and basal ganglia (4), which did not enhan
ce. The cerebellum and brain stem were not involved with these cribrif
orm changes. The most severe degree of cribriform changes occurred in
children with Hunter and Hurler syndromes, correlating with non-centra
l nervous system somatic involvement, but inversely related to degree
of atrophy, ventricular enlargement, and white matter changes. Mental
retardation was most severe in children with Hurler syndrome and corre
lated with chronicity of the disease. Severity of mental retardation d
id not correlate with severity of cribriform changes. CONCLUSIONS: Bas
ed on our observations, we postulate that in the natural course of MPS
, cribriform changes occurred first, followed by white-matter changes
and, last, atrophy. More severe degrees of cribriform changes plus inv
olvement of the corpus callosum may suggest a poorer prognosis. Optima
l therapeutic intervention may be at the time of cribriform changes be
fore atrophy has occurred. MR can define and grade these changes.