1. Recruitment order of motor units in self-reinnervated medial gastro
cnemius (MG) muscles was studied in decerebrate cats 16 mo after surgi
cal reunion of the cut MG nerve. Pairs of MG motor units were isolated
by dual microelectrode penetration of ventral roots to measure their
recruitment sequence during cutaneous reflexes in relation to their ph
ysiological properties. 2. Physiological properties of reconstituted m
otor units appeared normal, as expected. Also normal were the relation
ships among these properties: twitch and tetanic tension tended to inc
rease with axonal conduction velocity and decrease with twitch contrac
tion time. A small fraction of motor units (10/116) in reinnervated mu
scles produced either no measurable tension or unusually large amounts
of tension compared with controls. This was the only distinct feature
of the sample of reconstituted units. 3. In muscles reinnervated afte
r nerve section, stretch was notably ineffective in eliciting reflex c
ontraction of MG muscles or their constituent motor units (only 5/116
units). Incomplete recovery from nerve section was probably the cause
of this impairment, because stretch reflexes were readily evoked in ad
jacent untreated muscles and in one reinnervated MG muscle that was st
udied 16 mo after nerve crush. In contrast with the ineffectiveness of
muscle stretch, sural nerve stimulation succeeded in recruiting 49/11
6 units, a proportion fairly typical of normal MG muscles. 4. The cont
ractions of the first unit recruited in cutaneous reflexes tended to b
e slower and less forceful than those of the other unit in a pair. By
these measures, recruitment obeyed the size principle. This recruitmen
t order with respect to unit contractile properties was not significan
tly different (P > 0.05) between untreated and reinnervated muscles bu
t was significantly (P < 0.005) different from random order in both gr
oups. The same recruitment pattern was observed for pairs of motor uni
ts sampled from the muscle reinnervated after nerve crush, whether uni
ts were recruited by muscle stretch or sural nerve stimulation. 5. The
usual tendency for motor units with slower conduction velocity (CV) t
o be recruited in sural nerve reflexes before those with faster CV was
not strong in reinnervated muscles. After nerve section the proportio
n of units exhibiting the usual recruitment pattern was not significan
tly different (P > 0.05) from a random pattern for CV. 6. The central
finding is that the normal recruitment patterns recover from nerve inj
ury in a muscle that is reinnervated by its original nerve. By contras
t, stretch reflexes do not recover well from nerve section, and this d
eficiency may contribute to motor disability.