1. A longstanding view of simple cells is that they sum their inputs l
inearly. However, the linear model falls short of a complete account o
f simple-cell direction selectivity. We have developed a nonlinear mod
el of simple-cell responses (hereafter referred to as the normalizatio
n model) to explain a larger body of physiological data. 2. The normal
ization model consists of an underlying linear stage along with two ad
ditional nonlinear stages. The first is a half-squaring nonlinearity;
half-squaring is half-wave rectification followed by squaring. The sec
ond is a divisive normalization nonlinearity in which each model cell
is suppressed by the pooled activity of a large number of cells. 3. By
comparing responses with counterphase (flickering) gratings and drift
ing gratings, researchers have demonstrated that there is a nonlinear
contribution to simple-cell responses. Specifically they found 1) that
the linear prediction from counterphase grating responses underestima
tes a direction index computed from drifting grating responses, 2) tha
t the linear prediction correctly estimates responses to gratings drif
ting in the preferred direction, and 3) that the linear prediction ove
restimates responses to gratings drifting in the nonpreferred directio
n. 4. We have simulated model cell responses and derived mathematical
expressions to demonstrate that the normalization model accounts for t
his empirical data. Specifically the model behaves as follows. 1) The
linear prediction from counterphase data underestimates the direction
index computed from drifting grating responses. 2) The linear predicti
on from counterphase data overestimates the response to gratings drift
ing in the nonpreferred direction. The discrepancy between the linear
prediction and the actual response is greater when using higher contra
st stimuli. 3) For an appropriate choice of contrast, the linear predi
ction from counterphase data correctly estimates the response to grati
ngs drifting in the preferred direction. For higher contrasts the line
ar prediction overestimates the actual response, and for lower contras
ts the linear prediction underestimates the actual response. 5. In add
ition, the normalization model is qualitatively consistent with data o
n the dynamics of simple-cell responses. Tolhurst et al. found that si
mple cells respond with an initial transient burst of activity when a
stimulus first appears. The normalization model behaves similarly; it
takes some time after a stimulus first appears before the model cells
are fully normalized. We derived the dynamics of the model and found t
hat the transient burst of activity in model cells depends in 'a parti
cular way on stimulus contrast. The burst is short for high-contrast s
timuli and longer for low-contrast stimuli. 6. The importance of these
results is that the normalization model preserves the essential featu
res of linearity in the face of apparently contradictory behavior. Acc
ording to the model, a cell's direction selectivity is attributed to t
he underlying linear stage, and a cell's nonlinear behavior is attribu
ted to half-squaring and normalization.