Our current understanding of the nature and structure of active galact
ic nuclei is described, chiefly on the basis on optical spectroscopy,
but including results of many authors, covering the entire observable
wavelength of energy range. The importance of dust within the AGNs is
emphasized, and current ideas of its distribution and of its effect on
the observed spectra, are discussed. The torus model, polarization, a
nd the ''hidden Seyfert 1'' nature of NGC 1068 and at least some other
Seyfert 2 galaxies are discussed. It is likely that most QSOs, Seyfer
t galaxies and LINERs form one family, and there may be many as yet un
detected low-luminosity AGNs in apparently normal galaxies. A working
hypothesis, involving refueling of inactive galactic nuclei through ga
laxy interactions, is sketched.